Workplace Health & Safety Kit

$249.95 Inc. GST


A safe and healthy work environment pays, in more ways than one. For a small business, one injury can mean financial disaster.

Costs to a business include:

  • Production losses
  • Wages for work not performed
  • Increased workers’ compensation insurance costs
  • Damage to equipment or machinery
  • Hiring and/or training new employees
  • Decline in product quality and worker morale
  • Decline in worker morale
  • High turnover and lost work time

The cost of injury prevention is far less than the cost of an injury.

A safe and healthy workplace attracts and retains quality employees and enjoys a healthy bottom line. With a focus towards WHS, a business and its workers thrive in a safe, healthy, respectful and caring environment.

Safe and healthy workplaces:

  • Have more satisfied, productive workers who
    • Produce higher quality products and services
    • Return to work more quickly after an injury or illness
    • Feel loyal to the organisation
  • Are better places to work
  • Retain employees
  • Establish positive community relations

What’s Included?

  • Work, Health and Safety
  • Litigation and Professional Indemnity
  • Technology
  • Behaviour Standards
  • General Agency Policies
  • Finance, Risk Management
  • Emergency Situations
  • Media Liaison
  • Anti-Discrimination
  • Workplace Bullying
  • Complaints
  • Working from Home

Bonus Inclusions

  • Based on the latest Work Health and Safety Legislation requirements covering most States
  • Includes Employee consultation process and records
  • Ideal tool for staff inductions and regular workplace training
  • Bonus library of over 35 sample forms and checklists to use – saving you time
  • Best business practices are provided to easily personalise and implement
  • Focused on the risk management of Workers, Others, Business Owners and the Agency
  • Extensive Policies and Procedures based on Real Estate Agency practices
  • Simply tailor to your specific workplace and State / Territory Laws
  • Customisable to apply your logos, branding and details specific to your Agency