“My biggest concern when attending BDM Performance Program was that the course would be revolved around the most common methods of prospecting (Signboards, DL Flyers, Online Advertising etc). Although these activities are important, they do get somehow repeated by most trainers that I have personally come across. Bearing that in mind, I found two new methods of prospecting! It was also exciting to see how prospecting can be expanded across all personal contacts, from Landlords/Tenants and Tradespeople/suppliers to even friends and family.
It was my first full online course so I was somehow sceptical how the delivery, attendee participation and even internet connection would happen. Everything worked out even better than what I had thought. The information and dialogues provided we are given a chance to download. Very helpful info and it will be used daily. The live sessions were always on time and it was easy to interact with others and use the student portal. I also enjoyed the accountability through assignments, KPIs and the chance to see how other BDMs operate/perform live. 10/10 I would recommend this course!”